Arad Dog Show 2022 Results
Toy Dogs Club 05.07.2024 15:00 - results
Best in Show
Dusan Paunovici
Place | Dog | Sex | Breed | Class | Owner |
1 | 43 El Yoc Dino | M | Caniche (Poodle) Standard Brown, Black & White | Champion |
Ilaria Biondi De Ciabatti |
2 | 69 Sayonara Apso Summer Dream | M | Lhasa Apso | Champion |
Csizmadia Istvánné |
3 | 81 Disneyland's Top News | F | Bichon Havanais | Champion |
Ursula Geipel |
Junion Best in Show
Roberto Schill
Place | Dog | Sex | Breed | Class | Owner |
1 | 27 Aristo Line Hot topic | M | Caniche (Poodle) Medium Brown, Black & White | Junior |
Giovanni Mastropietro |
2 | 21 Absolutely Charming Enchanting Elio | M | Boston Terrier | Junior |
Imre Samu |
3 | 58 Sunshine of BUCOVINA GOLDEN star zen zen | F | Shih Tzu | Junior |
Mureșan Terezia |
Puppy Best in Show
Dusan Paunovici
Place | Dog | Sex | Breed | Class | Owner |
1 | 8 Istar de Nobil Rose | M | Bouledogue Français | Puppy |
Holger Hota |
2 | 82 Frantsuzkiy Potseluy Tabasco | M | Pug | Puppy |
Loredana Duma |
Baby Best in Show
Dusan Paunovici
Place | Dog | Sex | Breed | Class | Owner |
1 | 37 Happy Little Bear Tiara | F | Caniche (Poodle) Miniature Grey & Fawn | Baby |
Nowotny Natalia |
2 | 24 Absolutely Charming Team Adorable Aryna | F | Boston Terrier | Baby |
Olga & Norbert Tibay |
3 | 11 Scarlett Wonderful Grove | F | Bouledogue Français | Baby |
Gabriela Barbulecu |
Dusan Paunovici
Title | Sex | Class | Dog | Owner |
B.O.B | F | Junior | 1 Brilliant Star Hause Gena |
Sumandan Felicia |
Jun. Club Winner | F | Junior | 1 Brilliant Star Hause Gena |
Sumandan Felicia |
Best Junior | F | Junior | 1 Brilliant Star Hause Gena |
Sumandan Felicia |
C.A.C.J | F | Junior | 1 Brilliant Star Hause Gena |
Sumandan Felicia |
All breed results
No. | Sex | Class | Qualification | Titles | Dog Name | Owner |
1 | F | Junior | Excellent | B.O.B, Jun. Club Winner, Best Junior, C.A.C.J | Brilliant Star Hause Gena |
Sumandan Felicia |
Dusan Paunovici
Title | Sex | Class | Dog | Owner |
B.O.B | M | Open | 3 Yondu Udonta Filo Castelo |
Lucie Suchanová |
B.O.S | F | Intermediate | 5 Iriska Sonak |
Romana Špottová |
Club Winner | M | Open | 3 Yondu Udonta Filo Castelo |
Lucie Suchanová |
Club Winner | F | Intermediate | 5 Iriska Sonak |
Romana Špottová |
Jun. Club Winner | F | Junior | 4 Ekslibris Efrosinya |
Zsuzsanna Novák |
C.A.C.L | F | Champion | 7 Vilardens Oh My Goodness |
Zsuzsanna Novák |
C.A.C | M | Intermediate | 2 Rafael Santi Aisidora's Dreem |
Krisztina Magosi |
C.A.C | M | Open | 3 Yondu Udonta Filo Castelo |
Lucie Suchanová |
C.A.C | F | Intermediate | 5 Iriska Sonak |
Romana Špottová |
C.A.C.J | F | Junior | 4 Ekslibris Efrosinya |
Zsuzsanna Novák |
All breed results
No. | Sex | Class | Qualification | Titles | Dog Name | Owner |
2 | M | Intermediate | Excellent | C.A.C | Rafael Santi Aisidora's Dreem |
Krisztina Magosi |
3 | M | Open | Excellent | B.O.B, Club Winner, C.A.C | Yondu Udonta Filo Castelo |
Lucie Suchanová |
4 | F | Junior | Excellent | Jun. Club Winner, C.A.C.J | Ekslibris Efrosinya |
Zsuzsanna Novák |
5 | F | Intermediate | Excellent | B.O.S, Club Winner, C.A.C | Iriska Sonak |
Romana Špottová |
6 | F | Open | Very Good | Oliviya Sanshain Papilio |
Krisztina Magosi |
7 | F | Champion | Excellent | C.A.C.L | Vilardens Oh My Goodness |
Zsuzsanna Novák |
Roberto Schill
Title | Sex | Class | Dog | Owner |
Best Puppy | M | Puppy | 8 Istar de Nobil Rose |
Holger Hota |
Best Baby | F | Baby | 11 Scarlett Wonderful Grove |
Gabriela Barbulecu |
All breed results
No. | Sex | Class | Qualification | Titles | Dog Name | Owner |
8 | M | Puppy | Very Promising | Best Puppy | Istar de Nobil Rose |
Holger Hota |
9 | M | Junior | Very Good | DANDANA S BLISS MARSHALL |
10 | M | Intermediate | Excellent | ATHOS GLADIATOR OREO |
11 | F | Baby | Very Promising | Best Baby | Scarlett Wonderful Grove |
Gabriela Barbulecu |
12 | F | Junior | - | Avigdors Noemi |
Anastasija Paunovic |
Dusan Paunovici
Title | Sex | Class | Dog | Owner |
B.O.B | M | Intermediate | 14 Yggdrasil Moravia Eden |
Libuše Kristová |
Club Winner | M | Intermediate | 14 Yggdrasil Moravia Eden |
Libuše Kristová |
Club Winner | F | Open | 19 Yiuki Moravia Eden |
Libuše Kristová |
C.A.C | M | Intermediate | 14 Yggdrasil Moravia Eden |
Libuše Kristová |
C.A.C | F | Intermediate | 18 Jackie Duo z Vítové |
Hana Brázdilová |
C.A.C | F | Open | 19 Yiuki Moravia Eden |
Libuše Kristová |
All breed results
No. | Sex | Class | Qualification | Titles | Dog Name | Owner |
13 | M | Junior | Good | COOKIE SAG VILLE |
14 | M | Intermediate | Excellent | B.O.B, Club Winner, C.A.C | Yggdrasil Moravia Eden |
Libuše Kristová |
15 | M | Champion | Very Good | Frederico Duo z Vítové |
Hana Václavková |
16 | F | Junior | Very Good | FENDI CAVALIER GOLD |
17 | F | Junior | Excellent | B.O.S, Jun. Club Winner, Best Junior, C.A.C.J | BONITOS COMPANEROS MARIE ANTOINETTE |
18 | F | Intermediate | Excellent | C.A.C | Jackie Duo z Vítové |
Hana Brázdilová |
19 | F | Open | Excellent | Club Winner, C.A.C | Yiuki Moravia Eden |
Libuše Kristová |
Roberto Schill
Title | Sex | Class | Dog | Owner |
B.O.B | M | Junior | 21 Absolutely Charming Enchanting Elio |
Imre Samu |
Jun. Club Winner | M | Junior | 21 Absolutely Charming Enchanting Elio |
Imre Samu |
Best Junior | M | Junior | 21 Absolutely Charming Enchanting Elio |
Imre Samu |
Best Baby | F | Baby | 24 Absolutely Charming Team Adorable Aryna |
Olga & Norbert Tibay |
C.A.C.J | M | Junior | 21 Absolutely Charming Enchanting Elio |
Imre Samu |
All breed results
No. | Sex | Class | Qualification | Titles | Dog Name | Owner |
20 | M | Junior | Very Good | PRIMO CAVALIERE GIOTTO |
Tarcea Alexandra |
21 | M | Junior | Excellent | B.O.B, Jun. Club Winner, Best Junior, C.A.C.J | Absolutely Charming Enchanting Elio |
Imre Samu |
22 | M | Junior | Satisfying | Crazy crys lay down the law max |
Sofinet adelina Denisa |
23 | M | Junior | Excellent | Gold Gelb Box Zidan |
Barna Zoltan Balog |
24 | F | Baby | Very Promising | Best Baby | Absolutely Charming Team Adorable Aryna |
Olga & Norbert Tibay |
25 | F | Junior | Excellent | Fortibello MIDNIGHT SHIMMER |
Emilia Zimoch |
26 | F | Champion | Very Good | LILY LUNA PRISCILLA |
Lanzanova Daniele |
Roberto Schill
Title | Sex | Class | Dog | Owner |
B.O.B | M | Junior | 27 Aristo Line Hot topic |
Giovanni Mastropietro |
B.O.S | F | Champion | 29 Nacado’s Nancurunaisa |
Giovanni Mastropietro |
Club Winner | F | Champion | 29 Nacado’s Nancurunaisa |
Giovanni Mastropietro |
Jun. Club Winner | M | Junior | 27 Aristo Line Hot topic |
Giovanni Mastropietro |
Best Junior | M | Junior | 27 Aristo Line Hot topic |
Giovanni Mastropietro |
C.A.C.L | F | Champion | 29 Nacado’s Nancurunaisa |
Giovanni Mastropietro |
C.A.C.J | M | Junior | 27 Aristo Line Hot topic |
Giovanni Mastropietro |
All breed results
No. | Sex | Class | Qualification | Titles | Dog Name | Owner |
27 | M | Junior | Excellent | B.O.B, Jun. Club Winner, Best Junior, C.A.C.J | Aristo Line Hot topic |
Giovanni Mastropietro |
28 | F | Junior | Very Good | Thea life for love |
Stefanovici Valeriu |
29 | F | Champion | Excellent | B.O.S, Club Winner, C.A.C.L | Nacado’s Nancurunaisa |
Giovanni Mastropietro |
Roberto Schill
Title | Sex | Class | Dog | Owner |
B.O.B | M | Open | 30 Happy Little Bear Silver |
Murariu Bujor Ovidiu |
Club Winner | M | Open | 30 Happy Little Bear Silver |
Murariu Bujor Ovidiu |
C.A.C | M | Open | 30 Happy Little Bear Silver |
Murariu Bujor Ovidiu |
All breed results
No. | Sex | Class | Qualification | Titles | Dog Name | Owner |
30 | M | Open | Excellent | B.O.B, Club Winner, C.A.C | Happy Little Bear Silver |
Murariu Bujor Ovidiu |
31 | M | Open | Very Good | FLAMMENSHTALCHELENGER |
Violeta Gabriela Dioszegi |
Roberto Schill
Title | Sex | Class | Dog | Owner |
B.O.B | F | Intermediate | 33 TESLA MY LOVE z Księżopola (FCI) |
Iwona Minge |
Club Winner | F | Intermediate | 33 TESLA MY LOVE z Księżopola (FCI) |
Iwona Minge |
C.A.C | F | Intermediate | 33 TESLA MY LOVE z Księżopola (FCI) |
Iwona Minge |
All breed results
No. | Sex | Class | Qualification | Titles | Dog Name | Owner |
32 | F | Junior | Good | EUREKA HOUSE OF EMMA |
33 | F | Intermediate | Excellent | B.O.B, Club Winner, C.A.C | TESLA MY LOVE z Księżopola (FCI) |
Iwona Minge |
Roberto Schill
Title | Sex | Class | Dog | Owner |
B.O.B | M | Intermediate | 34 Alexander of Bridget's Silverdreams |
Dóró Judit |
Club Winner | M | Intermediate | 34 Alexander of Bridget's Silverdreams |
Dóró Judit |
Best Baby | F | Baby | 37 Happy Little Bear Tiara |
Nowotny Natalia |
C.A.C.L | M | Champion | 36 Happy Little Bear Seth |
Mircea Crasovan Luminita |
C.A.C | M | Intermediate | 34 Alexander of Bridget's Silverdreams |
Dóró Judit |
C.A.C | M | Open | 35 Psquared Gianluca Vacchi |
Lidia Calí |
All breed results
No. | Sex | Class | Qualification | Titles | Dog Name | Owner |
34 | M | Intermediate | Excellent | B.O.B, Club Winner, C.A.C | Alexander of Bridget's Silverdreams |
Dóró Judit |
35 | M | Open | Excellent | C.A.C | Psquared Gianluca Vacchi |
Lidia Calí |
36 | M | Champion | Excellent | C.A.C.L | Happy Little Bear Seth |
Mircea Crasovan Luminita |
37 | F | Baby | Very Promising | Best Baby | Happy Little Bear Tiara |
Nowotny Natalia |
38 | F | Open | Satisfying | ESTELLE FROM NEW HOME KENNEL |
Andrei ionut Crisan |
39 | F | Champion | Very Good | CHIRA FROM NEW HOME KENNEL |
Deak Maria Ancuta |
Roberto Schill
All breed results
No. | Sex | Class | Qualification | Titles | Dog Name | Owner |
40 | F | Intermediate | Disqualified | Andromeda Koodygoody |
Dóra Dr. Hevér |
Roberto Schill
Title | Sex | Class | Dog | Owner |
B.O.B | M | Champion | 43 El Yoc Dino |
Ilaria Biondi De Ciabatti |
B.O.S | F | Intermediate | 44 Amber Nova (FCI) SECRET MELODY |
Małgorzata Jasińska |
Club Winner | M | Champion | 43 El Yoc Dino |
Ilaria Biondi De Ciabatti |
Club Winner | F | Intermediate | 44 Amber Nova (FCI) SECRET MELODY |
Małgorzata Jasińska |
C.A.C.L | M | Champion | 43 El Yoc Dino |
Ilaria Biondi De Ciabatti |
C.A.C | M | Open | 42 Ametyst Fast Beat |
Jana Péterová |
C.A.C | F | Intermediate | 44 Amber Nova (FCI) SECRET MELODY |
Małgorzata Jasińska |
All breed results
No. | Sex | Class | Qualification | Titles | Dog Name | Owner |
41 | M | Intermediate | Satisfying | Atayson of orziadi king |
Alina Rosca |
42 | M | Open | Excellent | C.A.C | Ametyst Fast Beat |
Jana Péterová |
43 | M | Champion | Excellent | B.O.B, Club Winner, C.A.C.L | El Yoc Dino |
Ilaria Biondi De Ciabatti |
44 | F | Intermediate | Excellent | B.O.S, Club Winner, C.A.C | Amber Nova (FCI) SECRET MELODY |
Małgorzata Jasińska |
Roberto Schill
Title | Sex | Class | Dog | Owner |
B.O.B | F | Open | 50 DIiva's Line Born To Be A Star |
Karmina Maresi |
B.O.S | M | Intermediate | 46 FREEZE MAX Kingdom Of Our Dreams |
Monika Panfil |
Club Winner | M | Intermediate | 46 FREEZE MAX Kingdom Of Our Dreams |
Monika Panfil |
Club Winner | F | Open | 50 DIiva's Line Born To Be A Star |
Karmina Maresi |
C.A.C.L | F | Champion | 53 MY TIME TOP STIEL/TOY/ |
C.A.C | M | Intermediate | 46 FREEZE MAX Kingdom Of Our Dreams |
Monika Panfil |
C.A.C | F | Open | 50 DIiva's Line Born To Be A Star |
Karmina Maresi |
All breed results
No. | Sex | Class | Qualification | Titles | Dog Name | Owner |
45 | M | Puppy | Not Promising | BROWNIE PIROSSI POODLE HAUS |
Andrei ionut Crisan |
46 | M | Intermediate | Excellent | B.O.S, Club Winner, C.A.C | FREEZE MAX Kingdom Of Our Dreams |
Monika Panfil |
Andreea Anghel |
48 | F | Junior | Very Good | alishya amira red and chic |
Luminita Valean |
49 | F | Junior | Good | NOA VON ANIMUS |
50 | F | Open | Excellent | B.O.B, Club Winner, C.A.C | DIiva's Line Born To Be A Star |
Karmina Maresi |
51 | F | Open | Very Good | Ocharovanie Doma Romanovyh Alisa |
Andreea Anghel |
52 | F | Open | Disqualified | CATTY FROM NEW HOME KENNEL |
Andrei ionut Crisan |
53 | F | Champion | Excellent | C.A.C.L | MY TIME TOP STIEL/TOY/ |
Dusan Paunovici
Title | Sex | Class | Dog | Owner |
Club Winner | M | Open | 54 FLUFFY ANGEL BARNEY |
All breed results
No. | Sex | Class | Qualification | Titles | Dog Name | Owner |
54 | M | Open | Excellent | B.O.B, Club Winner, C.A.C | FLUFFY ANGEL BARNEY |
Dusan Paunovici
Title | Sex | Class | Dog | Owner |
B.O.B | M | Intermediate | 55 Sayonara Apso A Part Of You |
Csizmadia Istvánné |
B.O.S | F | Intermediate | 59 Magnolia Gardens Shiny Angel`s Kiss |
Fuchser Gurtner Manuela |
Club Winner | M | Intermediate | 55 Sayonara Apso A Part Of You |
Csizmadia Istvánné |
Club Winner | F | Intermediate | 59 Magnolia Gardens Shiny Angel`s Kiss |
Fuchser Gurtner Manuela |
Jun. Club Winner | F | Junior | 58 Sunshine of BUCOVINA GOLDEN star zen zen |
Mureșan Terezia |
Best Junior | F | Junior | 58 Sunshine of BUCOVINA GOLDEN star zen zen |
Mureșan Terezia |
C.A.C.L | M | Champion | 57 The Royal Shih Tzu Louis Vuitton |
Verena Vogt-Inauen |
C.A.C | M | Intermediate | 55 Sayonara Apso A Part Of You |
Csizmadia Istvánné |
C.A.C | M | Open | 56 North Exotic The Greatest Showman |
Frode Olsen |
C.A.C | F | Intermediate | 59 Magnolia Gardens Shiny Angel`s Kiss |
Fuchser Gurtner Manuela |
C.A.C.J | F | Junior | 58 Sunshine of BUCOVINA GOLDEN star zen zen |
Mureșan Terezia |
All breed results
No. | Sex | Class | Qualification | Titles | Dog Name | Owner |
55 | M | Intermediate | Excellent | B.O.B, Club Winner, C.A.C | Sayonara Apso A Part Of You |
Csizmadia Istvánné |
56 | M | Open | Excellent | C.A.C | North Exotic The Greatest Showman |
Frode Olsen |
57 | M | Champion | Excellent | C.A.C.L | The Royal Shih Tzu Louis Vuitton |
Verena Vogt-Inauen |
58 | F | Junior | Excellent | Jun. Club Winner, Best Junior, C.A.C.J | Sunshine of BUCOVINA GOLDEN star zen zen |
Mureșan Terezia |
59 | F | Intermediate | Excellent | B.O.S, Club Winner, C.A.C | Magnolia Gardens Shiny Angel`s Kiss |
Fuchser Gurtner Manuela |
Dusan Paunovici
Title | Sex | Class | Dog | Owner |
B.O.B | M | Intermediate | 60 Beauty of the Galaxy Geronimo |
László Balog |
B.O.S | F | Junior | 61 Beauty of the Galaxy Harmony |
László Balog |
Club Winner | M | Intermediate | 60 Beauty of the Galaxy Geronimo |
László Balog |
Jun. Club Winner | F | Junior | 61 Beauty of the Galaxy Harmony |
László Balog |
C.A.C | M | Intermediate | 60 Beauty of the Galaxy Geronimo |
László Balog |
C.A.C.J | F | Junior | 61 Beauty of the Galaxy Harmony |
László Balog |
All breed results
No. | Sex | Class | Qualification | Titles | Dog Name | Owner |
60 | M | Intermediate | Excellent | B.O.B, Club Winner, C.A.C | Beauty of the Galaxy Geronimo |
László Balog |
61 | F | Junior | Excellent | B.O.S, Jun. Club Winner, C.A.C.J | Beauty of the Galaxy Harmony |
László Balog |
Dusan Paunovici
Title | Sex | Class | Dog | Owner |
Iulia Cote |
Jun. Club Winner | F | Junior | 63 MINIBELLE TOP DOG KISSED BY A ROSE |
Iulia Cote |
Best Junior | F | Junior | 63 MINIBELLE TOP DOG KISSED BY A ROSE |
Iulia Cote |
Iulia Cote |
All breed results
No. | Sex | Class | Qualification | Titles | Dog Name | Owner |
62 | M | Junior | - | Regina Bichon Uptown Funk |
Pamela Mae De Leon Ursal |
63 | F | Junior | Excellent | B.O.B, Jun. Club Winner, Best Junior, C.A.C.J | MINIBELLE TOP DOG KISSED BY A ROSE |
Iulia Cote |
Dusan Paunovici
Title | Sex | Class | Dog | Owner |
B.O.B | F | Junior | 65 Power Star of Faidra CIA pod Vráží |
Regina Plouharová |
Jun. Club Winner | F | Junior | 65 Power Star of Faidra CIA pod Vráží |
Regina Plouharová |
Best Junior | F | Junior | 65 Power Star of Faidra CIA pod Vráží |
Regina Plouharová |
C.A.C.J | F | Junior | 65 Power Star of Faidra CIA pod Vráží |
Regina Plouharová |
All breed results
No. | Sex | Class | Qualification | Titles | Dog Name | Owner |
64 | F | Junior | Excellent | Spolbo Malvina |
Marina Kanevskaya |
65 | F | Junior | Excellent | B.O.B, Jun. Club Winner, Best Junior, C.A.C.J | Power Star of Faidra CIA pod Vráží |
Regina Plouharová |
66 | F | Champion | - | Microschihuas How Wow |
Anastasija Paunovic |
Dusan Paunovici
Title | Sex | Class | Dog | Owner |
B.O.B | F | Champion | 68 Kalliopé of Celine CIA pod Vráží |
Regina Plouharová |
Club Winner | F | Champion | 68 Kalliopé of Celine CIA pod Vráží |
Regina Plouharová |
C.A.C.L | F | Champion | 68 Kalliopé of Celine CIA pod Vráží |
Regina Plouharová |
All breed results
No. | Sex | Class | Qualification | Titles | Dog Name | Owner |
67 | F | Intermediate | Good | L&P DARKBLUE S-JESSY |
Cristina Claudia Zamfir |
68 | F | Champion | Excellent | B.O.B, Club Winner, C.A.C.L | Kalliopé of Celine CIA pod Vráží |
Regina Plouharová |
Dusan Paunovici
Title | Sex | Class | Dog | Owner |
B.O.B | M | Champion | 69 Sayonara Apso Summer Dream |
Csizmadia Istvánné |
B.O.S | F | Champion | 70 Bubble Witch V.D. Pacific Paradise |
Verena Vogt-Inauen |
Club Winner | M | Champion | 69 Sayonara Apso Summer Dream |
Csizmadia Istvánné |
Club Winner | F | Champion | 70 Bubble Witch V.D. Pacific Paradise |
Verena Vogt-Inauen |
C.A.C.L | M | Champion | 69 Sayonara Apso Summer Dream |
Csizmadia Istvánné |
C.A.C.L | F | Champion | 70 Bubble Witch V.D. Pacific Paradise |
Verena Vogt-Inauen |
All breed results
No. | Sex | Class | Qualification | Titles | Dog Name | Owner |
69 | M | Champion | Excellent | B.O.B, Club Winner, C.A.C.L | Sayonara Apso Summer Dream |
Csizmadia Istvánné |
70 | F | Champion | Excellent | B.O.S, Club Winner, C.A.C.L | Bubble Witch V.D. Pacific Paradise |
Verena Vogt-Inauen |
Dusan Paunovici
Title | Sex | Class | Dog | Owner |
B.O.B | M | Champion | 72 Tashi-Gong Wildcard |
Elisabeth Björk |
B.O.S | F | Intermediate | 74 Little Funny Paw Kiwi |
Kasza Lajosné |
Club Winner | M | Champion | 72 Tashi-Gong Wildcard |
Elisabeth Björk |
Club Winner | F | Intermediate | 74 Little Funny Paw Kiwi |
Kasza Lajosné |
Jun. Club Winner | M | Junior | 71 Yotisha's Gustav |
Lajosné Kasza |
C.A.C.L | M | Champion | 72 Tashi-Gong Wildcard |
Elisabeth Björk |
C.A.C | F | Intermediate | 74 Little Funny Paw Kiwi |
Kasza Lajosné |
C.A.C.J | M | Junior | 71 Yotisha's Gustav |
Lajosné Kasza |
All breed results
No. | Sex | Class | Qualification | Titles | Dog Name | Owner |
71 | M | Junior | Excellent | Jun. Club Winner, C.A.C.J | Yotisha's Gustav |
Lajosné Kasza |
72 | M | Champion | Excellent | B.O.B, Club Winner, C.A.C.L | Tashi-Gong Wildcard |
Elisabeth Björk |
73 | F | Junior | Very Good | Bergrabben's Joline |
Gunvor Sørensen |
74 | F | Intermediate | Excellent | B.O.S, Club Winner, C.A.C | Little Funny Paw Kiwi |
Kasza Lajosné |
Dusan Paunovici
Title | Sex | Class | Dog | Owner |
B.O.B | F | Champion | 75 Disneyland's Xplosive Flame |
Ursula Geipel |
Club Winner | F | Champion | 75 Disneyland's Xplosive Flame |
Ursula Geipel |
C.A.C.L | F | Champion | 75 Disneyland's Xplosive Flame |
Ursula Geipel |
All breed results
No. | Sex | Class | Qualification | Titles | Dog Name | Owner |
75 | F | Champion | Excellent | B.O.B, Club Winner, C.A.C.L | Disneyland's Xplosive Flame |
Ursula Geipel |
Dusan Paunovici
Title | Sex | Class | Dog | Owner |
B.O.B | F | Champion | 81 Disneyland's Top News |
Ursula Geipel |
B.O.S | M | Champion | 78 Disneyland's Zombie Inferno |
Ursula Geipel |
Club Winner | M | Champion | 78 Disneyland's Zombie Inferno |
Ursula Geipel |
Club Winner | F | Champion | 81 Disneyland's Top News |
Ursula Geipel |
Jun. Club Winner | M | Junior | 76 Wawuschelwalds Image Of Hot Fire |
Ursula Geipel |
Jun. Club Winner | F | Junior | 79 Zeky from Bohemica Land |
Eszter Horváth |
Best Junior | F | Junior | 79 Zeky from Bohemica Land |
Eszter Horváth |
C.A.C.L | M | Champion | 78 Disneyland's Zombie Inferno |
Ursula Geipel |
C.A.C.L | F | Champion | 81 Disneyland's Top News |
Ursula Geipel |
C.A.C | F | Intermediate | 80 Disneyland's Apocalyptica |
Ursula Geipel |
C.A.C.J | M | Junior | 76 Wawuschelwalds Image Of Hot Fire |
Ursula Geipel |
C.A.C.J | F | Junior | 79 Zeky from Bohemica Land |
Eszter Horváth |
All breed results
No. | Sex | Class | Qualification | Titles | Dog Name | Owner |
76 | M | Junior | Excellent | Jun. Club Winner, C.A.C.J | Wawuschelwalds Image Of Hot Fire |
Ursula Geipel |
77 | M | Open | Excellent | Voila Oh Gosh Josh |
Marie Knutsson |
78 | M | Champion | Excellent | B.O.S, Club Winner, C.A.C.L | Disneyland's Zombie Inferno |
Ursula Geipel |
79 | F | Junior | Excellent | Jun. Club Winner, Best Junior, C.A.C.J | Zeky from Bohemica Land |
Eszter Horváth |
80 | F | Intermediate | Excellent | C.A.C | Disneyland's Apocalyptica |
Ursula Geipel |
81 | F | Champion | Excellent | B.O.B, Club Winner, C.A.C.L | Disneyland's Top News |
Ursula Geipel |
Roberto Schill
Title | Sex | Class | Dog | Owner |
B.O.B | F | Intermediate | 86 Beauty of the Galaxy Cinnamon |
László Balog |
B.O.S | M | Open | 83 Cricket Mad-Mops |
Laszlo Tiffany |
Club Winner | M | Open | 83 Cricket Mad-Mops |
Laszlo Tiffany |
Club Winner | F | Intermediate | 86 Beauty of the Galaxy Cinnamon |
László Balog |
Best Puppy | M | Puppy | 82 Frantsuzkiy Potseluy Tabasco |
Loredana Duma |
C.A.C.L | F | Champion | 88 Kiss Me Again Nowy Dwor |
Jana Šikulová |
C.A.C | M | Open | 83 Cricket Mad-Mops |
Laszlo Tiffany |
C.A.C | F | Intermediate | 86 Beauty of the Galaxy Cinnamon |
László Balog |
R. C.A.C | F | Intermediate | 85 Dogisland Fiesta de la Noche |
Bania Hunor |
All breed results
No. | Sex | Class | Qualification | Titles | Dog Name | Owner |
82 | M | Puppy | Very Promising | Best Puppy | Frantsuzkiy Potseluy Tabasco |
Loredana Duma |
83 | M | Open | Excellent | B.O.S, Club Winner, C.A.C | Cricket Mad-Mops |
Laszlo Tiffany |
84 | F | Intermediate | Very Good | Dogisland Fibi |
Bania Hunor |
85 | F | Intermediate | Excellent | R. C.A.C | Dogisland Fiesta de la Noche |
Bania Hunor |
86 | F | Intermediate | Excellent | B.O.B, Club Winner, C.A.C | Beauty of the Galaxy Cinnamon |
László Balog |
87 | F | Open | Excellent | Dogisland Elise |
Bania Hunor |
88 | F | Champion | Excellent | C.A.C.L | Kiss Me Again Nowy Dwor |
Jana Šikulová |
Dusan Paunovici
Title | Sex | Class | Dog | Owner |
B.O.B | M | Junior | 89 BENJAMIN Royal White Snow FCI |
Anna Lech |
B.O.S | F | Junior | 90 BEST BEZA Royal White Snow FCI |
Anna Lech |
Jun. Club Winner | M | Junior | 89 BENJAMIN Royal White Snow FCI |
Anna Lech |
Jun. Club Winner | F | Junior | 90 BEST BEZA Royal White Snow FCI |
Anna Lech |
Best Junior | M | Junior | 89 BENJAMIN Royal White Snow FCI |
Anna Lech |
C.A.C.J | M | Junior | 89 BENJAMIN Royal White Snow FCI |
Anna Lech |
C.A.C.J | F | Junior | 90 BEST BEZA Royal White Snow FCI |
Anna Lech |
All breed results
No. | Sex | Class | Qualification | Titles | Dog Name | Owner |
89 | M | Junior | Excellent | B.O.B, Jun. Club Winner, Best Junior, C.A.C.J | BENJAMIN Royal White Snow FCI |
Anna Lech |
90 | F | Junior | Excellent | B.O.S, Jun. Club Winner, C.A.C.J | BEST BEZA Royal White Snow FCI |
Anna Lech |
Dusan Paunovici
Title | Sex | Class | Dog | Owner |
B.O.B | F | Champion | 93 ARISHA BLACK STAR |
Club Winner | M | Open | 91 ENDLESS VICTORY Gerardesky |
Martina Jurkovicova |
Club Winner | F | Champion | 93 ARISHA BLACK STAR |
Jun. Club Winner | F | Junior | 92 Heritage of Han |
Marina Lozikova |
C.A.C.L | F | Champion | 93 ARISHA BLACK STAR |
C.A.C | M | Open | 91 ENDLESS VICTORY Gerardesky |
Martina Jurkovicova |
C.A.C.J | F | Junior | 92 Heritage of Han |
Marina Lozikova |
All breed results
No. | Sex | Class | Qualification | Titles | Dog Name | Owner |
91 | M | Open | Excellent | Club Winner, C.A.C | ENDLESS VICTORY Gerardesky |
Martina Jurkovicova |
92 | F | Junior | Excellent | Jun. Club Winner, C.A.C.J | Heritage of Han |
Marina Lozikova |
93 | F | Champion | Excellent | B.O.B, Club Winner, C.A.C.L | ARISHA BLACK STAR |